The Provincial Secretariat for Energy, Traffic and Construction annulled the decision of the construction inspection in Zrenjanin on the demolition of illegal buildings where Chinese workers, builders of the Linglong car tire factory, are located for formal reasons.
For two years now, in Zrenjanin, on the plots of the companies Rakić plast and Penfarm, there are facilities built without a building permit, in which several hundred workers from China are living in inhumane conditions, while working on the construction site of the Linglong car tire factory.

These are locations that were intended for the construction of facilities by domestic investors, and were used to build a Chinese work camp, contrary to the Law on Planning and Construction, which does not allow temporary facilities to be built outside the main building, on other owners’ plots.
IAlthough at one point it seemed that the government gave up that intention, because the city construction inspection ordered the demolition of illegal construction, and local officials even filed criminal charges against those responsible, it turned out that a new way was found for illegal buildings to survive by making procedural errors which gave the provincial authorities the basis to annul decisions about the demolition. The Provincial Secretariat established that the the decisions, in addition to the right address of the owners of the plots on which the illegal buildings are located, were also sent to the real owners, a Chinese company, which is “incorrect”.

This ping-pong between the city administration in Zrenjanin and the provincial administration in Novi Sad will probably last until Linglong implements its intention to build five five-story buildings in the village of Ecka for permanent accommodation of Chinese workers, so he will no longer need illegal temporary facilities. This is another episode of the scandalous collapse of the legal order by the state authorities for the sake of the interests of the Chinese company Linglong.