Gradjanski preokret is nongovernmental and non-profit organization founded with the aim to achieve objectives related to improvement of standard of living, promotion and improvement of civil rights and liberties, education of citizens and protection and preservation of the environment.

The goals of the organization are:

  • to encourage citizens to show solidarity, to take joint action, to think openly and to take part in decision-making processes on all matters of public interest;
  • to carry out actions for achieving better standard of living and realization of the rights of all citizens by considering all freedoms and differences, tolerance, solidarity, equity, partnership with all individuals and communities;
  • to support citizens in activities aimed to establish and maintain transparency and accountability of public administration;
  • to insist on expertise and accountability during decision making processes of public authorities and institutions;
  • to encourage citizens to engage in environmental protection activities;
  • to protect human rights of persons with disabilities, elder persons, ill persons, and to support their inclusion in social activities;
  • to take care of the proper upbringing and education of children and young people and ensure that their rights are upheld; and
  • to take care of the preservation of cultural, historical, and natural heritage.

Gradjanski preokret puts in forefront protection of fundamental human rights, the right to dignity and a decent life, actions against discrimination, protection of public resources, actions for improvement of public administration to be more at the service of a citizens, zero tolerance for corruption, balanced regional development, strengthening media freedoms, encouraging citizens to participate in making decisions that affect them, social justice, and poverty reduction.