City Of Zrenjanin to Terminate the Contract on Wastewater Treatment Plant

Gradjanski preokret calls on the city authorities of Zrenjanin to terminate the contract on the construction of a wastewater treatment plant concluded with the company Metito from the United Arab Emirates and not to take further harmful steps in cooperation with it, such as today’s decision of the City Council that by the direct agreement and without any compensation, give the land for the construction of the plant.

With the contract with Metit, Zrenjanin becomes the first city in Serbia in which the model of public-private partnership in wastewater management will be applied. In this way, Zrenjanin continues to be an experimental site for non-transparent and corrupt water-related activities, given that the unsuccessful plant for treatment of drinking water, contracted in 2015, was the first experience in Serbia with a private plant involved in water supply.

Zrenjanin needs a wastewater treatment plant built in the right way: after an expert analysis of alternative solutions, public debate, and international competition of bidders, transparently, and not through a politically authorized investor and another experiment on the city.

The company to which the City of Zrenjanin intends to give land and wastewater treatment process does not have a single business reference in Serbia and Europe, the company got the job based on an agreement between the Serbian Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry and Metito Utilities Ltd. from the United Arab Emirates.