On the tenth anniversary of the government’s unsuccessful attempts to solve the problem of drinking water (2014), a group of residents of the City of Zrenjanin who gathered around the idea of raising public interest in solving this problem, formed the citizens’ association “Naš grad naša stvar” (“Our city our thing”). In the period until 2018, many forums, protests, performances were held, and a petition was launched, which was signed by over 6,000 citizens.

Since 2019, the organization has got the new leadership which decided on the change of its name to the “Gradjanski preokret” and has turned to activism at the state level, putting in the forefront the commitment to democratic values, public interest, and respect for human rights.
The work of the organization has been additionally intensified during 2020, during which all the details of the water supply problem in Zrenjanin were clarified, and criminal charges were filed against the responsible persons, including high state officials. In addition, the organization devoted most of its activities to attempts to prevent the harmful construction of the car tire factory of the Chinese company Linglong. Participation in public hearings, lawsuits, protests, performances, and criminal charges against those responsible for breaking the law were part of these activities.

Increasing authoritarian tendencies in society and stronger control of the media by the executive authority of Serbia has encouraged the organization to launch the “Active Citizens” initiative in 2021.
Workshops for civic activists, debates on topics that are not present enough in institutions and media, and online solutions for more intensive citizen participation in decision-making are part of this initiative.
Domestic and foreign media have recognized Gradjanski preokret as a relevant source of information. Many tv reports, shows and news were recorded, along with statements and interviews given by members of the organization as respectable participants.