The annual membership fee of the association is 1200 RSD. It is paid to the account of the association, example of the payment slip is given below:

*** Payment code: 188 for cash, 288 for non-cash payments

******** The reference number is your birth date, without periods, for example: 12031972

Membership fee is paid by members who are employed or retired, others are exempt from paying.


Any citizen or legal entity is free to donate chosen amount. A payment slip should be filled in according to the following example :

*** Payment code : 188 for cash, 288 for non-cash payments

Donation to the association also can be in-kind donation, in the form of goods, like office supplies, technical equipment etc. Before making this kind of donation, it is necessary to send a letter of intent to the email address:

Instructions for payments from abroad:

Payment can be made using PayPal: or by following the instructions: